动作简介:(Action Profile:)此动作特意发布了一个公配的简时长1:45的版本,大家可以使用本站免费获得积分获取即可.(This action specifically released a public version of 1:45 in a short time. You can use this site to get points free of charge.)因为此套动作为网友商业定制的动作,所以full版(时长3:30)需要赞助获取!不便之处请谅解!(Because this set of actions is customized for netizens, the full version (3:30) needs sponsorship to obtain.)隐藏内容动作(MMD 3185帧)录制时长约1:46分(The recording time of action (MMD 3185 frame) is about 1:46)文件內包含TDA標準骨,TDA大長腿骨,vingoo原創骨動作(The document contains TDA standard bone, TDA thigh bone, vingoo original bone action.)含假唱表情Because you don't know Korean and can't recognize the lip type by referring to the video, you can edit your facial expressions freely and actively. If you don't have love, you can edit your facial expressions by yourself.含測試性鏡頭(Containing testable lenses)动作预览(video link)https://youtu.be/VbFmIrdwDQAmotion download link:(使用文歌网站免费积分获取)FIESTAR-Mirror dance motion ver1.1簡短版=========================================| Main Full Motion update:27Aug.2019|========动作(MMD内6520帧)录制时长约3:30分The recording time of action (6520 frames in MMD) is about 3:30含ver1.1版本中所有内容Contains all the content in version Ver1.1文件內包含TDA標準骨,TDA大長腿骨,vingoo原創骨動作(The document contains TDA standard bone, TDA thigh bone, vingoo original bone action.)含假唱表情Because you don't know Korean and can't recognize the lip type by referring to the video, you can edit your facial expressions freely and actively. If you don't have love, you can edit your facial expressions by yourself.含測試性鏡頭(Containing testable lenses)动作预览(video link)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbeWi6rq_NAorhttps://www.bilibili.com/video/av65897908-----+----+----| motion download(赞助下载) |-----+----+----Motion download link:https://mega.nz/#!ueQhGIpR獲取解密key (the motion download key):赞助方式(赞助下载)動作下載(Motion Download): 進入支付寶&微信購買鏈接(直接获得下载链接.Direct access to download links. Delay-free processing)其他赞助方式(赞助下载) Other sponsorship methods (sponsored download)https://www.patreon.com/posts/38413311orhttps://afdian.net/p/3b28a882b26411ea80fc52540025c377===================================贊助獲取動作的同學可以回復本帖有意外驚喜哦:Students who sponsor action acquisition can reply to this post with surprise.隐藏内容歡迎網友MMDer up相關的表情,鏡頭等文件分享,我會挑選優秀的製作放置在此處=====| camera ver2.0 版本 update:08.6月.2020|=======camera ver2.0 預覽: https://youtu.be/1tueJz665I0camera ver2.0 by vingoo可以在评论区发布您的作品链接,以便大家欣赏.You can post links to your works in the comments section so that you can enjoy them.