hi,新年好哈!社區邀請碼好久都沒有加新的了,首先聲明不是我忘記了哈!我只是限制了新入會員名額而已.這是一个个人的主页,属于非盈利,半公益性的主页,我大部分时间在这里分享一些心得和一些朋友们想要获取的资源,因为服务器和网站的维护都是我一个人执行,如果新入用户太多,服务器以及我维护起来会增加工作量,因此才进行了限量注册,请各位理解支持!2020年新年,新加了100個,有興趣的朋友可以去看看咯!---------------------------------------------------------Hi, happy New Year!This is a personal homepage, a non-profit, semi-public homepage. I share some experiences and resources that my friends want to obtain most of the time here because the maintenance of the server and website is carried out by me alone. If there are too many new users, the workload of the server and I will increase when I maintain it, so I have limited registration. Please understand and support!In the new year of 2020, 100 new friends have been added. You can go and have a look!http://vingoo.info/index.php?c=read&id=411