由于我的度盘的网络空间越来越小了,导致我的手机都无法备份!别叫我开通VIP,因为我一只都是年费的VIP!!!哎,一直想找个人赞助一个VIP度盘没人发信息给我,所以我也是没办法了我只有开通了这么一个网盘,Mega网盘可能访问不是太方便,如果真不方便建议翻下墙,我实在是抹油办法啦!Since the maximum resolution on youtube is 2160, the true 4096 resolution is not available, although I do upload files at 4096 resolution.
So, I made a mega net disk, all true 4K videos I will share here.
If it is the latest release, there may be a delay, and you can get the video file after multiple accesses!4K网盘(Mega netdisk):https://mega.nz/folder/CPIkjCpB#BrrttYwWvKWSLhe0rx4l9A这个网盘将包含所有视频,我每更新一个视频都会放上去,如果不能立即显示,肯定也能在下一新作之前显示的