使用了最終幻想 重製版的臉模,編輯表情就用了我將近一天的時間...(主要是比較遊戲過場的對話表情編輯的)其他包含髮型,衣服,身體等均由本歌原創製作-----------------------------------------------------------I used the Final Fantasy VII Remake of the face model, and it took me almost a day to edit the expression ... (mainly compared to the dialogue expression edited in the game)
Others including hair style, clothes, body, etc. are all originally made by vingoo-----------------------------------------------------------雖然視頻在製作中,先將借物表順手寫寫吧Soft blender,Mikumikudancemain MME RAYdance motion by Nivshavideo camera by Nivsha edit vingoomusic 寄明月 by sing女团stage by 椛暗dance model by Square Enix(face)/vingoo蒹葭扇子本地播放1080p:video link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-_LFfFbBFQorhttps://www.acfun.cn/v/ac15858787